So, it's been raining like crazy here. Just thought i should mention that.

Back to the blog, I just noticed, while looking at the pictures that i forgot to talk about Liberdade, which is a neighborhood in São Paulo which hosts a great number of oriental, mostly japanese, people. It is worth noting that the largest japanese population outside japan resides in Brazil, even though that might not be one's first guess. One more peculiarity of this interesting city full of contrasts and diversity.
Anyway, we took the metro to Liberdade and got there to walk around a place that we didn't know. It is a very nice area near the center of the city and it has lanters on the sides of the streets that make it look authentic. Also, on Sundays it has a street market (feira) which is very popular and has a lot of traditional brazilian, japanese and chinese products and food, as you can see in the picture below.

We tried some of it and had lots of fun walking around the hot and steamy food stands.

Something funny happened while we were walking around the shops. We went into an aisle with a dead end so the entrance was the same as the exit. It was a little crowded and the people selling things were just standing in their mini-stores. So i decided not to go all the way to the end and stopped at one of the stores and stood there while waiting for the rest. Ten minutes after that, a gentleman and his girlfriend asked me for the price of a dress! hehe. I didn't want to be rude so i told them i could find out and asked the actual owner of the store. They saw me going to the lady owner and asking her so they realized i was nothing but one more tourist. We all laughed.

We walked around the shops on the area and the market. Afterwards, we were a little tired from walking so we decided to go to a place where we could sit, talk and be ok with speaking in english. We went into McDonald's got some fries, some guaranás and sat down in the good old family restaurant. It was actually enjoyable and fun.
last pic from this entry:
'reflection... '
p.s.> thanks for coming to the same program linha. haha
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