Wednesday, March 11, 2009

eu canto até ficar rouco...

and ficar rouco i did... i am pony right now. 'pony = a little hoarse'

here's the context for all of you to understand. i went to my second futebol match at the Estadio Municipal to support Corinthians, the team which has become my team. the experience is undescribable but i will try my best to do this without pictures.

this is the where and when it happened...
Date - March 11th, 2009
Time - 21.50 São Paulo time
Place - Estadio Municipal Pacaembú - São Paulo, Brazil

i went to the game with my two host brothers and another friend that works with my older host brother. four men on a wednesday night that contributed to the total of 31,695 people that attended the game that night, not to mention of course the millions of corinthianos that followed it through television. just to give an interesting fact, the corinthians fan base -24 million- is larger than the entire population of Guatemala -13 million.

we got to the stadium, and waited outside for a little while. unfortunately one of Marcos's friend ended up not coming into the game and staying in the stadium because of some ticket problems. that as too bad for her because it's really an expreience. we entered and got our 'standing spaces' -seats is definitely too much of a word for those spaces- at sort of the end of the stadium, behind one of the goals and close to the corners of the field. we waited while singing for a while before the game started, which reminds me that i still need to learn the songs so that i don't stand out as the only person in the entire stadium who doesn't know the songs. during that time, we noticed people jumping the fence from their nice and comfortable area to come and cheer with the cool people -us- and actually live the emotion of pushing the team up through support. they had payed a higher price to be in that nicer area, where they actually have seats, next to our area, but they wanted ours. it was really nice to see that where everyone wants to be in the cheap area, even though they might have payed the more expensive one hehe. i love relatively cheap prices.

...and so it begun. we started losing -min 22- and contrary to my expectations, the entire stadium stood up and cheered even louder for the following five minutes. more than 20 thousand throats got together to prevent the team from falling and they achieved it. i got goosebumps and was inevitably one more 'torcedor' in the crowd. i was definitely impressed by the passion and emotion put into futebol but little did i know that there was more to come...

Minute 35 - André Santos delivered to the crowd what everyone had been asking for. from outside the box, he took an amazing left-footed shot that swooshed by the other team and shook the nets. everyone stood up and cheered in unison the good old word every torcedor likes to hear for their team. 'GOOOOOOOOOOL' for Corinthians. by this time my vocal chords were already asking me to shut up because i had been screaming far beyond my day's quota. it was truly a beautiful goal, it made everyone finish the first half happily and proud of their support.

half time- rain began to fall, so i put on a rain coat. i ended up taking it off once the second half begun because i was getting just as wet beneath the coat because of my sweaty reaction to the stadium heat. it didn't really make a difference anyway...

ultimately, things got better, still, and five minutes into the second half, after some substitutions, the highly praised and acclaimed 'fenomeno', two times world cup champion and three times FIFA's best player in the world -Ronaldo- scored an amazing goal. he received a cross from the right side, his teammate let the ball pass by and ronaldo shot the ball to the bottom right corner of the goal, making it impossible for the goalie to stop it. you can imagine how this was followed by a thundering noise that 31 thousand people created. i had seen nothing like this in my life. it convinced me even more that i will go back to a world cup and feel the passion again for the sport that i love.

here are the goals for you to watch...

tonight's game was overall a completely new experience. by the end of the game, not only was i soaked with a mix of sweat and lots of city rain, but i had also acquired a new perfume made from marihuana essence, fart concentrates and a few droplets of armpitt sweat. during the game i had close physical contact with many other men - no big deal, you know, hugged a couple of strangers and such - i also lost my voice over there and plan to go back for it. i had a great time besides learning the songs and spending some quality family time hehe

something that i should mention is that the part where i have been standing in the stadium is where the 'Gaviões da Fiel' stand. they bring their drums and play all the instruments for people to sing along with their rhythms. they decide what is being sung and when the song changes. they are very well known in all of sao paulo and parts in brazil. in fact, this torcida is so big that they also have a samba school and this year they actually won the 4th prize in Carnaval. it is amazing and here's something just for you to enjoy...

i recommend this to everyone who would like to see men express their emotions, or see men feel part of a family/team and support a cause with conviction. in a way it makes me think... who ever said futebol doesn't bring out men's emotional side to surface has definitely not gone to a futebol game in a place where it really matters. if you decide to go, however, just remember you might be coming home with that new Le'street-stink perfume.

for all of you to enjoy... this is the song that gave origin to the title of my blog entry i can say goodnight feeling alive, rested and genuinly happy.

Aqui tem um bando de louco...
Louco por ti Corinthians,
Aqueles que acham que é pouco,
Eu vivo por ti Corinthians.

Eu canto até ficar rouco,
Eu canto pra te empurrar,
Vamos, vamos meu Timão,
Vamos meu Timão,
Não para de lutar!

-cheers to you all...

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